

Postby Leanne » Fri Nov 12, 2004 12:28 pm

What a stressful six months! As a single mother and new homeowner, I endured the sustained damage from the Florida hurricanes, worked a demanding and at times an uncertain schedule, faced extreme financial burdens and had a horrific experience with skin cancer on my lip. Talk about being stressed out, run-down, and depleted physically and emotionally. Then I was diagnosed with a second bout of skin cancer located near the tear duct of my right eye. After the 2nd skin cancer diagnosis, I developed a nervous twitch and damaged my rotator cuff (shoulder), which in turn caused extreme pain and many sleepless nights. My immune system was at an all time low and I could not even exercise my stress away!

Normally, I am a very healthy and emotionally stable individual. I eat well, stay in shape and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. It became increasingly harder for me with the boom…boom… boom… effect of the previously mentioned items. In other words, I just could not absorb it all physically or emotionally.

I began researching options for the treatment of skin cancer and was directed to the “Rock Star” of homeopathic/alternative medicine a Medical Docor here in South Florida. Unfortunately, he could not take me as a patient due to his “overloaded patient obligations”, but he did grant me a “call of compassion” and recommended that I use Mesogold in combination with a Full Spectrum Organo Mineral Supplement.

I am not sure how it is affecting my skin cancer but here is what I do know: Ever since I started taking Mesogold, I just feel so much better. The worry and anxiety are way down, I sleep restfully, have much more energy or stamina, and possess a positive outlook on the future. I can now handle anything from an emotional perspective and just feel more complete. It may sound odd but it is true. It is hard for me to believe that a few short weeks ago I was a bundle of raw nerves and that now I have a whole new sense of well-being. The best part is that I feel good and positive about the path I’ve chosen, a sense of confidence in my choice. I am truly grateful for this product and will be purchasing some for my sister as a Christmas present to treat her depression. I take a tablespoon of the product every morning on an empty stomach and never miss a day. What a truly miraculous product!

-- Leanne Zaleski – Hollywood, FL

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